Propositional Christianity
What are our duties?
The greatest questioning in Brazil today is the validity of our constitution. It seems to make us as sure as to the duties of the state that we should have guaranteed fundamental rights no matter how powerful and great the government is and no matter how much taxes we have to pay for these rights to be fulfilled. Of course, this is bullshit, since the state, being commanded by humans, and even temporarily - without taking into account the future -, is not able to attend to all, who obviously have their peculiarities, in a fair way . They are at least four times more mentions of rights in relation to duties in the Brazilian Constitution of 1988. Respecting totally does not mean being with a clear conscience. This does not make us free of any other premises than the exaggerated size of the state. That is, we must obey the essential points.
By historical experience, we know that national constitutions are flaws, unlike the decrees of God. The obedience we owe to Christ differs from that which we owe to any form of state. We are therefore the property of Christ and not of the state. The history of the Roman Empire leaves as a clear example of two important aspects in this sense:
1) Tyranny and false freedom: although the sources are controversial, it is believed that Nero was a tyrant and persecuted Christians. It is very common to hear the name of Nero associated with the burning of Rome in AD 64 and little with its populist policy. He was known for helping the poor and developing social policies. In the eyes of the people, he seemed fair. In fact, he lived in an extravagant and expensive way, even amid military defeats and bankruptcy of the finances of his empire. It is also believed that the blame for the fire has been attributed to Christians as a means of persecuting them. Previously, he murdered his own mother to take power. His tyranny was disguised as policies aimed at the poor. Some described him as an "actor," since, as in novels, he liked to cheat to increase his popularity. Condemned to death by his tyranny, perhaps by crucifixion, he committed suicide before;
2) No absolute and great government survives: after the failure of the persecution of Christians, Rome adopted Christianity itself, through Constantine, as the official doctrine of the empire, although none of the negative aspects were left aside, especially corruption. The same corruption that remained even after the fall of the Roman Empire of the West, damaging mainly its theology in the following centuries (with exceptions).
Our duty is, first of all, to evaluate the discourses and to perceive any populism. The tactics of convincing people with quick and magical benefits can only point to such a "way," a caring form that has won corruption in Brazil. Short-term solutions only involve work and commitment, nothing more.
Also, do not allow yourself to be involved only with the alleged moral of the so-called Christian politicians. They, lately, are the ones who least want to, for example, recover their "acquired rights", reduce their costs and reduce the size of the state.
Last but not least: planting good seeds. We should not stop praying, but we are impelled to manifest what we profess. Only in this way can we reap good fruit. Only by obedience to Christ will we become worthy, examples to a nation that seems aimless.
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