By Clarice Luftwaffe

Narcissus was ready. He had decided he would ask Bromelia to marry her. And he prepared for it. May it be the night chosen in full, with the starry sky, city lights, spring, may. He had bought a tweed suit, perhaps the most expensive one, that wanted to wear the night ... He had thought of everything. Order one month in advance at the tailor's Boulevard Bolshevik Gorbachev-Reagan. His measures were: 30 of chest, 45 cm of bust, 75 of bush. But do not worry, because the tailor was Norwegian, and that represents security and reliability. A day before her home came a perfume from Paris, called Mont Serrat, No. 15, which, in the world, has already been bought. 10. Reserve a table at François Peperoni di Barcelona, ​​or the most elegant restaurant in the city. Three presidents had dined at a restaurant. The owner of the restaurant, inclusive, an intimate friend of Frank Sinatra and Amadeus Mozart (ignoring a chronological question). His desk was closer to the balcony than the Eiffel Tower. A table and a chair were prepared for the meeting, the material being produced with the law of the law, the upholstery was linen, and the whitened texture of the white ivory. On the table a large and golden chandelier, plus all the dining set in handmade porcelain. First, it is necessary to make a collection on the table, which can help in the aromatization of the place. The waiter had already been separated by a French chardonay, one by catalogologists and dated from the time of Tutankhamen, but that would be the exact point of arrival of the company. The wine would accompany a pasta prepared by Mario Luigi, the greatest Italian chef and also a plumber in his spare time. In addition, two violinists from the London Symphony Orchestra played Io Che Amo Cholo Te, along with a mezzo soprano from Argentina. After dinner, a profiteroles would be served, where they would be hidden the alliances. Of gold, with diamonds of 64 carats, is to enchant any woman with only its brilliance. He would arrive at 8 o'clock, Mercedez, his driver Rosamundo Pilcha would be driving.

Throughout the night, Narcissus heard three phrases he had never will forget. Firstly, "no". Subsequently, "you are very meticulous." And finally, "but nothing prevents us from being friends." Bromelia had not despised Narcissus' effort. Would be so every day of the wedding? Did you invest all this end for eternity? Can you buy love? We can not blame her, then. Narcissus had not thought so. But with class he knew solves a situation. He sent everybody's tickets to Bromelia's address and fled to Cambodia. Today he is a peasant. He found Jasmin. He asked her to marry him. Without pomp took another "no". "Narcissus is not a man to marry," said his grandmother. Narcissus does not hear. He acts. And he pays for it.

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