Heteronyms Anonymous
By: Kamylla Onerosa
Being a teenager is very difficult to know? My mother does not understand, but we have many difficulties. The other day I was at school with my Whatsapp friends, who coincidentally are also high school mates, and I realized that I did not have purple clothes. I felt like crap. I cried a little in the bathroom before going to class. I took a photo in the mirror and placed it on Facebook with the following phrase: "Life is not always a sea of roses". When I got home, my mother asked me, "How did it go, my dear?" Yeah, like she cared about me. She prefers to work 16 hours in a factory by having time with her own daughter. I went straight to the bedroom. I was tired of life. This life, because on Twitter I was better. My father, as always, went to the bedroom to say the most spoken phrase since my eleven years: "We are doing our best, daughter." "It does not," I thought. When I go to the mall, I'm the least I can afford. My mother earns 800 dollars and my father 900. The purple dress costs only 400. It would still leave 1300 for the rest of the expenses. "How was the school?". At least I can calculate. It's not easy, you know. You know what? I still have a little brother of 8 years. Boys can wear the same outfit all day. Guess: he has two shirts, two pants, two briefs, and, um, two pairs of shoes. It makes me even more depressed. I listen to songs well down do you know? Oh, and there's my hair. I can never fix it. My mother should know that teenage hair has to be treated ALWAYS. But not. She always uses the same excuse: "But daughter, I can try to fix it ... salon is expensive". Yes, my mother understands a lot of beauty, she never did her hair, not even in my fifteen-year-old party! What a shame! And still wanted to appear on my Instagram like that? No way. But depression leads to nothing. I think I'm going to work. I will show these mediocre people that I know how to turn. I'm going to buy my things and I'm going to play them. They never cared for me. I know there are not many places around, but I accept anything, even if it's to scrub the floor. What a hate. But on the other hand, how am I going to keep my teenage pose from rubbing the floor? Actually, I'm going to look like an adult. That's not what we want the world! And besides, teenager does not work! Mom, I love you! Can I bring 400 dollars to the mall? Is it just this time? Please? What a hate! It's always like that. It's not easy being a teenager, you see?
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