Publications from 2008-2013
Disasters: with or without explanation?

Nature behaves in different ways, and not all of them are made to benefit us; when it rains, when the sky is clear, when it snows. Many of these phenomena are viewed more normally, and most often, as blessings.
But after countless natural disasters that we are accustomed to seeing, it is hard not to think: but why? Did they deserve it? Or is it just one of those phenomena that can not be explained?
There is a little misunderstanding about wanting to explain the natural tragedies of the Christian way. But one should pay attention to the scientific explanations as well.
Each one errs at some point.
How to explain an earthquake? Geologically, tectonic plates move in various ways.
Earthquakes usually occur in regions close to tectonic plate faults, or, as I prefer to call, the boundary between one plate and another. These foreign exchange between plates move causing friction between them, and generating a seismic shock. This is due to the volcanic activities beneath the plates.
After this summary, what could we say: that we knew this would happen? Not really. Not even the scientific way, because it is known of a concussion only when it happens. And, besides, whoever wants to know this is the one who is curious, not the needy. And of the Christian form? Yes, there is a way, as we have seen, quite hypocritical to explain.
In the case of Haiti, it had been said by many that the idolatry, witchcraft and other rites that Haitians practiced were the great cause of the earthquake. In addition, (alleged) Christian missionaries wanted to bring (orphaned) children to the United States. This was the height of Christian participation in history. And a participation, say, (certainly) shameful.
Now, comparing the two: both give their 'vereditos' later. But none of them helps, in fact. What if this was a punishment from God? Should not it be God to know, and not us? Or the people stricken within? They care little about what caused everything, but whether they will help those who talk too much.
Evil has at last struck Christianity. We have no more compassion for our neighbor, but a judgmental feeling. We want to be more and more God, instead of just following Him. This was not how it should be.
But is in this that the Christianity has turned.
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